Medical & Health Queries

Medical & Health Queries

If you’re uncertain about whether you can use a Mooncup menstrual cup with a particular medical condition, we hope you find the answers you need here.  However, if you have any doubts at all, make sure you see your doctor or another medical professional for advice before using your Mooncup.

Can I use the Mooncup if I have endometriosis?

If you have endometriosis, we recommend – as we would for any gynaecological condition – that you check with your doctor or gynaecologist before buying a Mooncup menstrual cup to see if it is suitable for you. That said, we have had positive feedback…

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Can you get thrush from the Mooncup?

No, the Mooncup menstrual cup will not give you thrush. We often hear from Mooncup users who previously suffered with thrush when they used tampons. This may be because tampons not only absorb menstrual fluid but the protective secretions that may…

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Will the Mooncup break my hymen?

The hymen is a thin membrane which in some cases can partially cover the opening to the vagina. If you have strong personal or cultural feelings about the hymen, we would not advise that you use any internal sanitary protection…

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Can I use a Mooncup if I’ve had a prolapse?

The severity of this condition varies, so if you have a prolapse we would advise  you to discuss with your doctor or gynaecologist whether the Mooncup is going to be suitable for you.  The Mooncup Advice team can send you a…

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Will the Mooncup help with painful periods?

You can use the Mooncup safely with painful periods and many women report that using the Mooncup reduces their pain. One reason for this could be that the Mooncup is worn lower down in the vagina than a tampon and allows your…

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Will the Mooncup work for heavy periods?

Yes, the Mooncup can work very well for heavy periods (or menorrhagia) because it collects up to three times more menstrual blood than a regular tampon (see Does the Mooncup hold more than a tampon?). This means that you may…

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Can I wee/poo with my Mooncup menstrual cup in?


The simple answer is yes, you should not need to remove the Mooncup menstrual cup before passing urine (weeing) or opening your bowels (pooing). If you have any discomfort or difficulty going to the toilet while wearing the Mooncup®, take…

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