Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal Dryness

I’ve recently bought a Mooncup, I have heard about them before but they just seemed a bit surreal for me! But I bit the bullet so to speak and I have to say, I honestly think this thing is the best thing since sliced bread!!
It took me a few attempts to get the position right but after that it’s so easy and convenient! I have pcos so my periods are all over the place and I can’t just put a tampon in on random days on the idea that I might bleed that day whereas I can put my Mooncup in and if it’s not needed as such it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t leave me dry etc and it’s not a waste of money if it hasn’t collected anything!
Make the leap, you will not regret it!

Cat – 3rd March 2017

I’ve been using a mooncup for 10 years now, since after the birth of my first son (I was using washable nappies, and saw the mooncup on the nappy webpage and thought I would give it a go). I have used it since then. I thought at times it was a bit messy and perhaps a bit inconvenient, but cheaper in the long run than tampons and towels and better for the environment so I kept going and kind of got to appreciate it.

THEN this period, I could not find my mooncup; but no worries, thought I, there’s a handful of tampons in the cupboard going spare, it’ll be an easy period. How wrong I was. Mooncups are far more easy than tampons, now I know that for sure!

1)I think have had more leaks in the last 7 days than in the last 10 years. I have been constantly worried about leaks all week!
2)It’s inconvenient to have to remember to take a tampon into the toilet at work every time, just in case, and to ferret in the cupboard at home before going there, and to remember to put enough into my bag for whilst I am out for the day, no such worries with a mooncup, it’s there, you take it out, empty it, clean it put it back, there is nothing to forget;
3)Using a tampon is really no less messy than using a mooncup, (probably much more so, if you consider the frequency of leaks)
4)Tampons do not absorb clotty bits (that’s something I don’t remember from previous tampon use, perhaps it’s a sign of getting old….
5)It’s really great to go swimming with a mooncup – tampons tend to get all bulked up with pool water, but mooncups don’t
6)Period end tends to be a bit uncomfortable because the tampon absorbs vaginal fluids so can be sore to insert/remove

Previously I was a mooncup user. Now I am an EVANGELICAL mooncup user. I cannot believe that anyone would be daft enough to want to use tampons or towels when such a great alternative exists.

I have already been out and bought a brand new mooncup in case my old one doesn’t turn up before my next period. (After 10 years, it is probably not a bad investment!)

P.s. for any long term mooncup users, I really recommend a one period mooncup holiday – you will never want to go back to tampons ever ever again!

Sarah – 14th December 2015

I love my mooncup! I hate using tampons, they always feel uncomfortable, and they shift and leave me feeling dry. With pads I get rashes and eczema popping up after only 2 days because of the materials and chemicals. With either I leak. For the first time since my periods started, I’ve had neither rashes, nor pain from my sanitary wear, nor leaks. Plus I don’t feel guilty about adding to the landfill and it’s much cheaper in the short run (after about 3 months I’ll have worked out cheaper) – especially now since the tampon tax! Thanks!

Natalie – 2nd December 2015

Dear Tampon There is no easy way to tell you this…it is over. I am breaking up with you. This can come as no surprise as I have been very distant for the last few months. You haven’t seen me for a while and probably miss me. I don’t miss you….At All.
You promised me horse back riding in white pants
You promised that I could run down the beach in a white bikini.
You promised me energetic games of volley ball in cute white shorts.
We never did any of that. Instead you gave me cramps, dryness and thrush. All these years I thought it was me. I thought that it was something I had to put up with. I was wrong.
I have met someone else. Her name is Mooncup and we are in love. Mooncup loves me and I love her.
Since I have started seeing Moon I have had no cramps, no dryness and no thrush. My periods, which used to last 5 to 6 days, now only last 2 and a half days.
I feel healthy. I feel clean. I feel good.
Now I must get going. I have a volley ball match to get to.
Kind regards

Libby – 26th October 2015

I’m only 18 and have struggled with heavy and irregular periods ever since I started when I was around 14. I always had to carry tampons with me and have had to try every pill there is to try and keep my periods at bay. Despite all the help I received from my doctors, I have been unable to find a solution which means I will just have to wait and (hopefully) in time they will sort themselves out. Wearing tampons all the time was hurting me and making me feel uncomfortable as I was always worried I would leak. On the other hand, as my periods were so irregular, sometimes I will come on for a day and the bleeding be very light and therefore wearing a tampon was highly uncomfortable as there was not much to ‘collect’. My sister has also struggled with the same problems with her periods. She is 3 years older and so has had the problems for longer. She told me about her buying a mooncup and suggested I should get one myself. At first I was a little apprehensive but decided to give it a go and now I absolutely love it! I found it very easy to use and didn’t have any problems at all. It makes me feel so much more comfortable as it lasts a lot longer than a regular tampon (which is so useful for college and my part-time job) because, as I previously mentioned, my periods were so heavy I would constantly be changing tampons. Even if I have my one day, very light but equally annoying period, I feel safe knowing my mooncup isn’t hurting me and is fool-proof in terms of how much you bleed.
All in all I am so glad I listened to her advice and bought one for myself. It’s brilliant!

M – 24th September 2015

I’m 19 and I’m so so glad I found out about mooncup! I suffer from pcos and have always found pads unable to cope with how heavy my period can get, which left me with tampons. However, since my cycle always fluctuates unpredictably from light to ridiculously heavy, it’s always hard to guess which strength tampon to use, which the results either being uncomfortable dryness or embarrassing accidents…many a comfortable pairs of pants were lost this way. But! Mooncup is amazing for this! I can’t even express how amazing it is to be able to insert the mooncup and just not have to worry what my flow decides to do that day, it honestly feels like I can get on with my life. Not only that, but it really is extremely good for travel. I have a year abroad next year in a country where tampons haven’t really caught on and I honestly didn’t know what I was going to do until now. In terms of insertion, I struggled a bit at the beginning; I think it was because I wanted it to work so badly that I stressed out and couldn’t insert it properly. It felt a little bit like all the amazing testimonials here were part of a massive joke that I wasn’t in on, but then I slept on it and tried again the next day and lo and behold, I figured it out! If you’re struggling, I suggest trying the second folding method as it makes the shape slightly more similar to a tampon, which you might already have experience in inserting. But whatever happens, don’t give up on it, because using a mooncup will definitely change your life for the better (and that’s not even an exaggeration!)

Izzy – 22nd July 2015

Mooncups are so simple, effective and clean they make tampons and pads seem a bit antiquated by comparison! No more leaks, no more worrying about funny smells, no more itchy, sticky yuckiness on hot days, no more dryness and irritation, no more feeling gross and dirty down there, no more waste going in to land fill! One of the best things I have bought for myself.

Ann – 9th July 2015

I’m 21 years old and just heard about the mooncup. It’s disappointing that tampax and other sanitary products seem to have more marketing material than cups. So, on discovering this product though an article on the internet,I was dubious. If this product is so hygienic, cheap and green; how have I never heard of it before? I did my research and I couldn’t wait to order one. I’ve always had problems with other sanitary products. I found them very irritating, both physically on my skin and how unclean I felt while using them, not to mention the cost and how inconvenient it is having to buy them every month.
However, since using the mooncup I have experienced none of these problems. I’ve felt like I can actually go out and enjoy myself without the worries of leaking etc. While using it I felt totally comfortable and was able to leave it in for the full eight hours without any mess. There is no odor at all, no cramping, and no mess of trying to dispose of stuff discreetly. The most beneficial aspect of the mooncup for me is that I can use it for my light flow without that awful, dry, scratchy feel of the tampon.

The only downfall is that it can be tricky to insert, but I think that is more my problem than the mooncup’s. It can also make some icky noises when removing it. However, cutting off the stem and removing the cup by squeezing it made no sound at all.

I can’t recommend this product enough, it’s saved me money, time, and left my life that little bit less stressful. I no longer dread my period, result!

Thank you so much.

Kay – 29th March 2015

I bought the Moon Cup in January this year, and have now had two periods using it. Switching to the Moon Cup is one of the best decisions I have made in my life! I heard of it a few years ago but was put off by the idea of having to empty it in public places; this however is much easier than you would think as a) you don’t have to change it anywhere as near as much as a tampon and b) like the Q&A’s suggest, simply wiping it or using a water bottle is absolutely fine for the occasional time you do get caught in a cubicle without a sink. I knew when I bought the Moon Cup that it would have a number of advantages which have proved to be just as good as expected:
a) not having to buy tampons any more
b) not contributing to the environmental damage caused by disposable sanitary products
c) not having the dryness caused by a tampon
d) not having the awkward string poking out in embarrassing places such as the swimming pool!
All these advantages have been great and better than expected (the Moon Cup is so comfortable, you can’t tell it’s there, and putting it in and taking it out takes only the tiniest bit of practice!) but what’s been really great about the Moon Cup is the advantages I didn’t think about, which include:
a) Only having to change it every 7-8 hours, even on really heavy days
b) Not having the “odour” that comes along with your period, particularly towards the end of menstruation
c) Not having any “spotting” at the end of my period (bye bye pantyliners!)
d) Not having to worry about the size of tampons vs. flow – the Moon Cup can be worn throughout
e) Being really in touch with my body, and being able to know exactly when I have finished my period
f) They don’t cause any issues with toilet blockages, and you don’t have to deal with the ickyness that is the full sanitary bin in a public place.

Ladies – please try the Moon Cup! I have been singing it’s praises to my friends and I am shocked and actually quite disappointed that so many people think that a period is a “disgusting” thing, and that the Moon Cup is to be avoided – we should not be embarrassed by our bodies or scared of being more in touch with ourselves (yes, quite literally..!)
My only regret is not starting to use it earlier, as having now seen the difference in my body I have realised that the only disgusting and unnatural thing about periods is using any other type of sanitary product!
Go Moon Cup!

Becky – 14th March 2015

It doesn’t smell. It doesn’t leak. You can wear whatever underwear you want (or none at all!). It doesn’t dry you out. It doesn’t leave fibres inside you. You don’t have to deal with it every time you go to the toilet. It can cope with clots. You don’t have to buy more and more every month. There’s no gross string hanging out of you. You don’t have to throw it away and feel guilty about the waste. It doesn’t feel like a nappy. You can measure your period so you know if something unusual happens. It doesn’t come wrapped up in pointless, wasteful packaging. You don’t have to carry loads of supplies around with you.
I feel free.

I did find insertion and removal a bit difficult to start with, but after sticking with it for a couple of days I soon got into the swing of it.

It saves me money, it saves me hassle and it’s comfortable. What more could I ask for?

liz – 9th March 2015

I started using my moon cup this week. Ladies, if you don’t know this product and are still using tampons and pads, I beg you to check it out! It is unbelievably fantastic!!
I never felt so comfortable during my period. No itchiness, no dryness, no leakage, no odour, no waste!! I feel much safer and healthier and in touch with myself. I can move around, I can go into the water for a bath or a swim, I enjoy being close with my boyfriend. And even the pain wasn’t as bad as usual this month.

It took me some time to give it a try because it was unfamiliar to me. I learned about it online and didn’t know anybody in person who was using a menstrual cup. I usually dread my period because I have very bad menstrual cramps and mood swings and the disposable sanitary products dry me out. I’m used to feeling just awful for several days and suffering from itches after each period.

I absolutely hate tampons, they always gave me pain. The fact that the moon cup is inserted into the vagina as is the tampon put me off for some time. I imagined inserting it as painful because of my experience with tampons and the size of the moon cup looked intimidating.

With finally mustering up the courage and giving the moon cup a try, I got the hang of it much quicker than I had expected. It doesn’t feel like a tampon at all, in fact, I find it much easier to insert despite the bigger size. Once it’s in, I barely feel it at all. There’s no burning sensation or uncomfortable itching, it smoothly slides in and sits comfortably low. It doesn’t feel like an intruding object at all.

I can officially state that I’m never going back!! I feel so ridiculously more comfortable and happy, I already lost a bit of my fear regarding my period after using it for only 4 days! Even my boyfriend is fond of it and notices that I’m much happier with it. I showed him the moon cup and dared to really talk about my period with him, I kinda lost a lot of my shame.

I think this product is simply genius. There’s only pros, all the way. Thank you, moon cup!! 😀

Anna – 4th March 2015

I’ve had my mooncup for three years so I can say I’ve truly tried and tested it! It took me a good three months to get to grips with it, my main issue was trying to insert it too high (like a tampon) and the length of the stem. I’ve since removed the whole of the stem as I found that personally I don’t need it. My advice for other women is to stick with it till you get used it, remember the difficulties you may have had first using a tampon and how they are second nature to insert now! The main benefits for me is that it really does reduce the amount of pain my period gives me, bizarre but true!
During my period, I am often very dry “down there”, and found that tampons made this worse. I prefer the mooncup as it does not absorb any moisture, but I find I need to use a little bit of lube (just once a day) to aid me inserting and removing it.

As it holds so much more than a tampon I don’t need to rush and change/empty it as often, in fact I often go to the loo and forget all about it as you really can’t feel it!

I’ve recommended it to all of my friends and family, a brilliant investment, saves money and the environment too.

Claire – 16th February 2015

I just wanted to share my experience with the moon cup and encourage those of you reading the reviews to give it a try. I am not one to write reviews, but this is one product that all women should know more about. I realize it is not for everyone and you do need to be comfortable with your body to use it, but it is so much more superior to anything I have used. I think I had read about moon cup in an article and was intrigued and came to this website and read a bunch of reviews! I have been using a moon cup for about six months now and like everyone else will not go back! I was concerned it might not work for me since I have a history of vestibulitis and vaginismus (vaginal pain and uncontrollable vaginal contracting) that I needed pelvic floor physical therapy for. Although mostly resolved, I was still wary. This size kind of tripped me up too. I ordered size B- I am 31 and have no kiddos and it works great. There is a learning curve- read the directions and watch their little video- very helpful. Like everyone else said, don’t panic when you first go to take it out and can’t reach it very well! Took me a cycle or so to get really comfortable with insertion, etc.
Pros: you don’t have to deal with changing tampons every 2-4 hours.
A few months in, my husband and I went on a very extreme backpacking/camping trip in the Cascade Mountains. Of course I had my period the entire time. I climbed up mountains, slide down cliffs, and swam across a glacial lake without a leak. I even had to empty it on the side of a mountain ravine- if you can do it while balancing on a rock ledge, you can do it anywhere! and I didn’t have to pack tons of tampons in my pack!
You don’t have a string that gets wet or caught on anything
You don’t have uncomfortable vaginal dryness as your period is ending
I am very active- cross fit, P90X, hiking, etc. – I only had it leak once and it was during a hard cross fit workout that required a lot of jumping/weights. My period was heavier and I did not empty it for a few hours before the workout. Have had no problems since.
Cons: Occasionally a minute or so after insertion, the cup with “snap” or uncurl abruptly. doesn’t hurt per say, but feels a bit weird.
Although there were some reviews that said that it seemed to shorten their period or lessen their cramping, I have not noticed this in myself, but am just happy to have a great product that works so well. Really worth a try!

Nicole – 13th February 2015

I recently heard of moon cup through a woman’s group online. I was a little sceptical at first, but I went ahead and purchased one. When my period came I used it. I’m never, ever going back to bags or tampons again. The cup is extremely comfortable, unlike a pad or a tampon I can’t feel that it is there. I can’t feel my period either which I can with the other products.
The moon cup is easy to insert and remove and it’s NOT messy like I thought it would be! I feel super clean too. No dryness, no itchiness! Peeing is easier too as with tampons the strong gets in the way and with pads it’s messy.

At night I can sleep however I want, I can roll about like usual with out worrying about spillage.

I can horse ride in it too with no problems cause it’s so flexible, it just stays where my body wants it. I can’t recommend it this product enough, it’s revolutionised periods, and it’s a green alternative to the thousands of pads and tampons we go through! Ladies if you’re unsure, give it a go. The worst that’ll happen is you don’t like it, the best that’ll happen is you’ll have hassle free, cheap periods for the rest of time!

Yey moon cup!

Abby – 10th February 2015

Looked at one of these repeatedly over my 20’s but thought it was a lot of money to spend if it turned out I didn’t like it.
Turns out age 30 I should have got one ages ago – it’s well worth the money.

If you are a tampon user you will have no trouble, you don’t even know it’s there though I did snip off half the stem as had read other reviews on this.

It’s also great knowing your not leaving tampon fibres inside you but you get the same clean feeling!!!

Anna – 22nd December 2014

I am 20yrs and a dental nurse. I had the contraceptive implant for a year and had it removed two months ago as I was not happy with it; it stopped my periods altogether and was affecting my mood a little. When I had my first period for a year I used tampons like I always have. But having not used them for so long and then going back to tampons, I remembered all the things I hate about them. They dry me out so badly and I get leakage with them when I am heavy- I never feel entirely “safe” wearing them. My job means a lot of moving and sitting so I was wearing a pad as well to keep me feeling safe but that was so uncomfortable. I decided to try the mooncup and honestly I wish I had gotten one six years ago! It was fiddly to begin with but you get used to it. Also, “birthing” it can be a bit of a pain but my pelvic floor thanks me for it, I am sure! I love it. It feels cleaner, I am not as dry, I do not have to carry bulky tampons everywhere and I do not have to fill the world up with used sanitary stuff. I love it to bits. Recommend recommend recommend.

Charlotte – 21st December 2014

I’ve never reviewed anything before, but this is life changing! I’d heard about the mooncup and liked the idea but was always a bit scared at the reality of it. Then I suddenly had to come off the pill and didn’t have any control over when my periods happened – and I had a beach holiday booked in for two months later… So I bit the bullet and got one. I’m hugely squeamish, and quite clumsy, so the first couple of goes at getting it in were a bit eye opening! It’s definitely easier to do it when it’s wet, and I ended up cutting off almost the entire stem. Read the leaflet with all the tips about how to fold it – they really work! Although you’re really good to go from the first time you try it, I agree it does take a couple of months to get completely used to it, and now 2 years later, I’d never, ever go back to tampons. I didn’t realise how drying they were until I used the mooncup. It’s brilliant to use, just pop it in at the start of the day and then forget about it until you get home again. And I don’t know how, but it has shortened my period by about two days. And I love knowing what’s normal for me too, I feel more in touch with what’s going on with my body. Thank you!

Vicky – 23rd November 2014

I’m on my fourth month of using my moon cup and I have never looked back. Its amazing. I couldn’t use tampons, so its a massive liberation from awful sanitary towels. I don’t have to wear period pants any more and it feels so much cleaner and hygienic!Its easy to use and really comfortable. I ended up snipping off most of the stem. I struggled the first few times taking it out but after that it was fine. Just don’t panic and stick with it!
I recommend this to anyone who is fed up with traditional products that are dry and uncomfortable and it saves quite a bit of money. Its paid for itself already!

Lou – 21st November 2014

I love the mooncup! My friend introduced me to it years ago when travelling (perfect when packing light and hard to get tampons) and I have never looked back. The odd time when I first started using it I had an occasional leak but probably happened less than with tampons and now it just seems to fit me like a glove. I find it way more comfortable than tampons…totally forget I’m wearing it at all quite often and I like how it doesn’t react with your body at all/isn’t dry and abrasive. Is also really easy to empty out and actually feels way cleaner than tampax once you get used to it.

Becky – 19th November 2014

I found out about Mooncup from Freelee the banana girl on Youtube. As a person who has un-predictable period thank you so much for this product. I feel like it’s another step in the right direction to help save the planet and landfills, help the fight against testing on animals and also it’s much better for me too. Tampons and pads dry out and rub my skin, this is my 2nd day on Mooncup and it’s been a blessing, much more comfortable!I must admit the first time I emptied it made me yak a bit but I’m already used to it, I just need to get used to taking it out bit, I need to get a routine going.
Thank you for this wonderful invention 🙂

Siobhan – 4th November 2014

I’m in my first few days of using Mooncup and already a convert. Bit scary the first night as it went high, but after a bit more practise and some pelvic floor exercises along with some patience that I rarely possess, I’m there! I always used to feel dry using tampons and Mooncup makes me feel normal, and let’s face it how many of us can say we feel normal at that time of month?! I never liked the idea of using a non applicator tampon and used to revert to towels as soon as I my flow was lighter, but Mooncup just seems more natural and I’m totally confident using it! Feel much more balanced and it’s much easier to see how heavy or light my period is, I shall be spreading the word, Thank you Mooncup, for improving my life, sometimes it’s the little things in life that ,Eam so much 🙂

Rachel – 31st October 2014

I am 3 days in my first cycle with a mooncup and I wish I’d got one sooner! I stopped using tampons a few years ago because I hate the way they dry you out and are bad for PH balance among other things! (they’re just all out gross to me) but pads are bloody annoying, and I’ve recently started swimming and gymming a lot and pads are just not practical when getting a sweat on. Also I hate the way pretty much all pads these days are ‘scented’ with some floral bullshit that when mixed with period actually smells worse than with any unscented products! It’s just not necessary and I like to look after my vagina, I don’t want all this perfumed and bleached crap! ANYWAY, Mooncup is just completely liberating! I also feel less awkward at work – as our office is so small we have only one bathroom shared between males and females, but now I don’t have to worry about anyone noticing me take a pad into the bathroom, or leave the wrappers in the bin. Liberating I tell you, liberating!

Tannah – 4th August 2014

I decided to try the Mooncup after several years of heavy, uncomfortable periods. I hated how pads felt and how drying tampos were. After some online research I took the plunge and bought one. It is safe to say I could not be happier! No leaks, easy to insert, removal is a bit more tricky but you soon get the hang of it. Complete convert! I am going to reccomend to all of my friends, 100% worth it.

Alice – 22nd July 2014

I have previously had a lot of difficulty when using sanitary towels and tampons. I have found sanitary towels to be uncomfortable, and tampons to leave me in a lot of pain as they would always seem to soak EVERYTHING up, leaving me sore and extremely uncomfortable. I was therefore over the moon to find out about mooncups, but I was very hesitant, concerned that I might not be able to remove the cup easily and may be left in pain. However, I cannot stress how grateful I am that I had the guts to just give it a go. The first time you use the cup can be daunting, but once inserted I couldn’t believe how comfortable it was! Compared to using tampons and constantly being able to feel them, I was really shocked to discover that I couldn’t feel the mooncup at all! The removal was also daunting, but I found that squating and using my inner muscles to (excuse the reference) but squeeze it out of me to be the most successful method. I have seen reviews that state that the mooncup leaves a really horrible smell, but as long as you read the instructions and boil the cup before you use it, there are no horrible smells at all. I would really recommend this product, it really will make that time of the month ever so easy!

Amy – 19th June 2014

I love my Mooncup so much. I’m not exaggerating to say it has changed the way I live my life during my period. I began having my period when I was 10 years old, and I have always had terribly heavy flows. I have tried pads of all different absorbencies … with wings, without wings, extra long, overnight. I have tried all different varieties of tampons as well. It was fairly normal for me to change these every two hours. Nothing prevented the embarrassing leaks. On top of the absorbency issues, the pads and tampons were so uncomfortable to wear for six days in a row. A friend introduced me to the Mooncup on a camping trip almost three years ago, and I haven’t looked back. It’s so comfortable. I really can’t even feel that it’s there at all. There isn’t any awful drying or soreness, and best of all, NO LEAKS! I don’t have to worry about going on long hikes, camping trips, sitting through a whole day at work or a music concert. I can be as active as I want to without worrying about leaks. It’s so liberating. I’m so thankful for my local healthfood store for carrying Mooncups. I only wish I had known about them sooner so that I wouldn’t have had to use those other awful products for the first twenty years.

Anibelle – 18th June 2014

I bought the Mooncup in August of 2012. It’s the most AMAZING thing ever! I’ve had a lot of trouble with my period, since I was 14. I’m 20 now and I’ve struggled with a lot of problems from Pads and Tampons. They seemed to contribute to a lot of yeast infections and when my flow finally became smaller, tampons just hurt. That’s when I found out about the Mooncup. I have to say when it arrived I was slightly intimidated , but I gave it a try and it was awesome. Took a few days to get use to and such, but it’s the most amazing protection, no leaks at all! I can finally wear cute underwear when I want to during my period. I use to have to wear a back up panty liner when I used a Tampon. All I can say is it’s the best $30 I’ve ever spent.

Alice – 21st February 2013

I’ve been using the Mooncup for about 5 years and love how convenient it is. I’m far too disorganized to remember to buy or carry around tampons, so the Mooncup is great. The only problem I have with it is that it seems to shuffle itself higher up my vagina while I sleep, which can make it difficult to remove in the morning (doing it in the shower is easiest). It does leak occasionally first thing in the morning after it’s done its odd nocturnal repositioning, but hardly ever at other times. On the whole, it performs better than tampons or pads when it comes to leaks. I like how comfy the Mooncup is, particularly at the end of my period when tampons can feel very dry and chafing. I definitely don’t regret my purchase.

Hannah – 20th February 2013

I have always used pads because I hated the feel of tampons and the few times I had to use one, my vagina would get very irritated and dry. Even with a lot of pads, the chemicals or plastic in them would give me a rash or worse make me raw.I finally found a natural cotton pad, but I was still ruining my undies at night from leakage. So I decided to give one of these a try. I am super sensitive down there, (couldn’t even use a nuva-ring birth control) so I was very skeptical about how comfortable this would be. I’m 30 and don’t have kids, so I ordered the smaller one. WOW! I am a total convert now! It was a little tricky putting it in, but I just squeezed my muscles once inserted and it corrects itself within a few minutes of walking around. The removal wasn’t messy as I feared it was going to be. I just pinched the bottom to break the seal and gently pull it out while squatting over the toilet. I’m on day two of trying the Mooncup and I’m not irritated down there at all.I actually feel cleaner and I can barely feel it too.Best part is no leaks! I don’t plan on wearing it to work, but it certainly has helped me sleep through the night worry free. I am super happy with this product. Good bye messed up undies and bed sheets! Thank you Mooncup!!

M.Lam – 29th January 2013

As Rihanna says ‘where have you been all my life!’wow, mooncup, or as i call it my little diamond! it sure is a girls best friend! every woman should know about them!
let me just say that if you have problems with sanatary wear, drying you out, making you itch or in my case I got a very bad allergy to the chemicals contained in sanatary pads! I was at my wits end so went on a google hunt for none chemical products! I found the mooncup and read some reviews they all sounded positive, so i tho nothing to lose but try and I can say I am over the moon i did!
just finished my 1st period using it and can not belive it! I feel that I have not even had a period, usally by now I would be in total pain from my allergic reaction. but with the mooncup nothing at all, i had no problems putting it in or taking it out. its defo going to be my friend for life. and its only £18! and its supossed to last years, so a saving on products and the planet! I am a happy lady!

Nicole – 28th January 2013

I have to admit it took me a while to get it just right, but once I mastered the Mooncup I knew I’d never go back. Using anything else now just doesn’t make any sense when this product is better for your body and the environment, and kind on your purse too!
I loathed uncomfortable pads and hated tampons that dried me out, but the Mooncup is just so inert it feels natural to use and I don’t even notice it.
I’d recommend this to anyone and everyone!

Natalie – 11th January 2013

I am 47 and have spent the last couple of years fighting with very difficult periods. They moved very close together (every 21 days), they were so heavy that I kept flooding first thing in the morning, spilling blood all over the bathroom floor before I could get to the loo in time. Spent my time worrying every time I sat down in case I flood the chair (especially when I was in someone else’s house) and holidays have been a nightmare when sleeping in a hotel bed, I had no sleep worrying that I was going to leak all over the sheets which I frequently did. I also had enormous clots and lots of pain, making my period a very dreaded experience. I can’t use tampons because of thrush and I find they always leave bits inside you and dry you out and make you sore so I have been going round in the daytime wearing the largest night time towels that I could find and still leaking all over the place.
One day before Christmas, I had had enough of all this and started to look on the Internet to see if there was a product which might help me with this problem and I stumbled across Mooncup. Thank goodness I did as it is the answer to all my prayers. Although at first I found it tricky to put in and out I have now mastered it and trimmed the stem so that it no longer causes an irritation. I no longer have any floods and am looking forward to my next holiday without worrying. I no longer have clots and have very little pain! I don’t know how to explain this but I am so grateful to the Mooncup people for making my life tolerable again. If you are in any doubt, give it a try, you won’t regret it.

Victoria – 30th December 2012

I’m a young virgin woman of 17 (only for 2 more days until my birthday). I have to say the moon cup is a wonderful invention. I just got it today, and tried it out while I am on my 3rd day and the insertion wasn’t too bad to figure out. I learned that I must use the 2nd folding method, and I’ve noticed that once I get the pointy end in I have to twist it around for the rest to fit. Then I can feel the cup open up and the stem fits in comfortably. I don’t even have to trim it like I have heard other women doing. The item fits like a glove! That technique took me the second try to figure out. I’m still working on the removal part, and I can’t lie it did feel uncomfortable. Personally, I think it was my thin hymen getting a bit of a work out, but it wasn’t impossible. Now, my goal is to successfully remove the cup without having to push the stem section out, and properly removing the seal, since I pretty much pulled it 90% of the way.
Another thing that I love about the Moon Cup is that it really connects you with your body, and the shape of it. And, I realized that my period actually isn’t like the ‘Nile River’, as my friends and I jokingly call it. Pads and tampons make the whole process look 10x worse, and feel 100x worse for that matter. The Moon Cup is pretty clean. Even with my first attempt to remove it, the outside didn’t even have blood on it thanks to the seal. All I had to do was ball up a small amount of toilet paper into the moon cup and give a good wipe and it was clean and ready for insertion. And, to top it off if I did the removal correctly it would have been even cleaner.

Did I fail to mention that I had a tampon on before I had my moon cup in and after the 2nd insertion the slight dryness that I had disappeared and was properly lubricated once again? It’s wonderful!

I can’t wait until I really get the hang of it! I’m never going back to pads, tampons, or pantyliners. I’m a moon cup gal now 🙂

Erika – 28th December 2012

I have been using the MoonCup for about five months now. For me, it is fab. I had a lot of problems with basically drying out and forgetting to change tampons ( and getting bored having to do it all the time – im lazy lol). It doesn’t stop my cramps but it does make life easier. No problem leaving it for longer. I had no real problems with changingetc, it does take time to get use to but then so do tampons right? Try it, it is great. And no having to remember to buy tampons.
Also thanks to the Mooncup team, who sent me a new cup when I got the wrong size!!

Rachael – 10th December 2012

The first thing I did when I turned 18 was to set up a Paypal account and order a Mooncup online. I’d had my eye on it for a while after having seen a sticker in a restaurant bathroom, but was too embarrassed to ask for one, and also, at the time, in a country that didn’t sell it in stores.
Like many others, I first found it difficult to insert/extract and wondered whether I had wasted my money. Thankfully, I kept trying and the Mooncup has become a staple in my life. It’s so much cleaner and easier than conventional throwaway products. The reusability and friendliness towards the environment is just another bonus!

Now, two years later, I bought another one in Boots as a backup. For people shying away due to the price: The investment is quickly made back if you think about the horrendous prices of tampons and pads, and the amounts you use each month.

I had always been plagued by PMS, strong cramps and moods. After starting to use the Mooncup, I found that I get fewer cramps, weaker and shorter periods, and less dryness and discomfort.

It’s great to get to know yourself and “what’s going on down there”. You’re really in control. I like that you can leave it in for longer without worrying about leakage. I had some problems with leakage in the start, until I figured out to wear it lower. Now I only occasionally wear pantyliners, just to feel safe.

A while ago, I had a contraceptive-pill-induced hormonal problem, causing me to bleed excessively. Thanks to the Mooncup, and much to my gynecologist’s surprise, I could tell exactly how much I was bleeding.

I even went on a 1-month expedition to Madagascar recently. As I was always carrying ample supplies of drinking water and my Mooncup, having my period there was no problem. The other girls, by contrast, did much complaining about their “supplies”, all the while leaving an unsightly trail of used items, wrappers, and applicators in the pristine wilderness….

Bottom Line? GET ONE. You will not regret it. It sounds too good to be true – but it simply is that good!

Sophie – 04th November 2012

After two years and a half I’m still using it as happy as the first time, even more! I was so happy when I discovered such a thing! I don’t use any other things like towels or tampons. I used to have problems with them like drying and irritation, but not anymore with Mooncup: it is always better than any other alternative product: it is comfortable, easy to use (just a little practice the first two days may be, but it worth it) and so cheap! I recommend it to all women when I have the chance! Go girls, let’s use Mooncup!

Irene – 03rd September 2012

Why was i not made aware of this sooner!? This product is the best thing since sliced bread…Ive used the mooncup for the first time and i havent had one leak during the day or night.iv not had to wear a pantyliner like i have to do with Tampax due to leaking, no more dryness or itching and i can barely feel my mooncup there as its so comfortable. cleaning is a breeze, when wearing i just rinse if off and pop it back in and then when iv finished i boil it to get rid of any nastys lurking and then pop it back in the bag, …..i just dont have enough good things to say about this product….all i would say to all you ladies out there is perserve with it it is a bit fiddly and can take some goes to get right but once you do you wont regret it…im already much happier know in that i dont have to go back to pantyliners and tampax EVER!

Dee – 11th August 2012

I purchased my Mooncup recently and I already adore it.
During my period I suffer from stomach pains, bloating and bowel problems. I had been using tampons for a number of years and had this horrible dry sensation inside. I also felt as though it was a bizarre foreign body inside of me that I never quite got used to. Plus, I was spending so much money every month on the various sizes. I saw some tampons on the shelf a couple of months ago and they were perfumed. I thought it was disgusting that women were being made to feel that their period is some kind of unnatural, dirty thing. I immediately bought a Mooncup and haven’t looked back!

My stomach cramps have somehow decreased, I no longer feel all dry and irritated inside and I feel totally comfortable wearing a Mooncup and more “at one” with my body.

I really recommend buying a Mooncup. I have found it so much better than sanitary towels and tampons. Also it’s better for the environment and so much cheaper!

Selina – 07th July 2012

I can’t believe how pleased I am with the mooncup – now I’ve given myself a few days to get used to inserting etc.
There is no leakage, I need to empty it once in the morning and once at night because it’s just no where near full.

I’ve not had cramps since I started using the mooncup, and I’m not dry like I used to be and importantly sex with my husband doesn’t hurt after a period anymore.

Anyway, I want to tell everyone about them because I can’t believe no-one knows! I wish I’d known when I was a teenager! and whilst I’m at the wishing fountain – I wish that some rich person would sponser an advertising campaign on tv so you could compete with tampons and towels (two useless inventions in comparrison that women have to use each month).

I think I know what I’ll be buying everyone for Christmas!

Laura – 27th June 2012

I bought my mooncup a few years ago and was too scared to try it! Argh! How I wish I had just been brave and done it! I used it towards the end of my last period and started using it again straight away this time round … it’s amazing! So comfy (obviously after I’d cut the stem – I had to get rid of it completely & after using the second method of insertion). The main thing I’m finding is the ease of it, I’m not drying out like with tampons (which I hadn’t noticed was a problem until I stopped using them) and I love that with my flow I only need to empty it once in the morning and once before bed!
Love it! Wish I’d started using it years ago, not for environmental reasons or for the cost reasons, just because it’s comfy and easier and somehow feels cleaner than tampons

A happy convert! 🙂

Newbie Mooncup User – 26th June 2012

I had heard of Moon Cup quite a while ago but had put it off for being a bit squeamish. Then this year my friend told me about a blog post in which A WOMAN FOUND MOULD ON HER TAMPON! I recommend googling the story.
Combined with the increased guilt of wastage and wanting to save money I decided to switch.
Now, I wouldn’t go back! My period pain has decreased. I always thought my dire pain and sickness was something to do with Tampon’s since as soon as I inserted a Tampon I’d be vomiting for the rest of the day. I had to go on the pill to sort it out and am admittedly still on the pill a little too afraid I’ll be having heavy and irregular periods again.
It’s a little difficult to get used to at first with some dire accidents but I persevered, I will not go back to achey, dry and scratchy periods again. I don’t even mind the tiny mess you inevitably encounter using this product because it’s worth it knowing my body and purse is better off and hopefully the planet too.
And I love the fact we can wear it when we know we’re going to be on that day and not having to rush back and forth to the toilet playing a guessing game. And I never have to worry about running out or carrying around extras.
I’m gently working on my friends with the effort of not wanting to drive them crazy over it.
Thank you Mooncup!

Siobhan – 21st June 2012

I get heavy and painful periods, and always manage to stain my underwear with pads and tampons, no matter how often I replace them. Periods for me were simply unmanageable.But since I bought the Mooncup, things have been a hell of a lot easier. I have been using it for a little over a year. It took me two or three periods to get the hang of inserting and removing properly, (I found that I was placing it too high so it leaked and I found it painful to remove because I wasn’t breaking the vacuum). However now that I have learned how to use it correctly, it never leaks and is never uncomfortable. I only change it three times a day, and if I don’t get to change it on time, it’s never a problem. It doesn’t leak. I can tell you it is more comfortable than a tampon. It isn’t dry like a tampon and although it is a lot larger and looks quite intimidating at first, it isn’t at big as it seems. If you are a teenager like me, you may think it won’t fit, but it sits at a wider part of your vagina than the muscles at the entrance. It is not too big. Once you get used to insertion and removal, it is not a problem. It works perfectly overnight for me too. When I bought it, I thought it seemed expensive for what it is, but for what it does, and for the money it will save you long term, it is more than worth it.
I admit, my reasons for purchasing it had nothing to do with lessening my impact on the environment, but it put’s a smile on my face to know that it does, and that I am actually more comfortable for it.

Joe-Anna (17) – 12th June 2012

I received my mooncup about a week ago, just in time for my period!!
I am so happy I decided to take the risk because it is so worth it!!! Today I gave to my sister all my tampons and told her I had quit 🙂 I LOVE MY MOONCUP SO MUCH!
I feel so much more confident and my vagina is so much happier…bye bye to the dryness or itchiness that even the 100% organic cotton products cause…Living in the tropics is not easy…it is very humid and hot and having to wear a pad is not comfortable, at all.
At first I was reluctant to buy because of the price and i was worried it wouldn’t work but, like I said, I took the chance and now i am very grateful. I even wore white pants today, I did yoga in the morning and everything went just perfect 🙂 I don’t have a really heavy flow so I only had to deal with it twice a day, 3 times on my heaviest day (only one day) and it was not even half way full! So next time it will be so much easier.
I am happy that this exists because I don’t have to worry about wearing a pad on my not so heavy days, when it is completely not worth it to wear a tampon because it will dry me out too much…
I am sorry if I am giving too much information but I will make sure I tell everyone about your product! It is something we, as women, deserve!

Much love and Blessings to all the Mooncup Team,

Pamela – 08th June 2012

Last weekend, I stayed with some friends and totally forgot to pack my mooncup… Disaster! Of course my period arrived and I had to use tampons and towels again for the first time in over a year. It was AWFUL! I had forgotten how uncomfortable and horrible-feeling they were. It really made me appreciate my mooncup when I got home and could change over. The comfort and ease of the mooncup is bliss compared to the dryness and cramps caused by tampons and the leakage and dirty big-nappy feeling of towels. I’m definitely going to remember it in future, thank you mooncup!

Rachel – 09th May 2012

I first saw a sticker for the mooncup on a toilet door at uni. Once home I checked out the website and decided to give it a try. All I can say, is it’s fantastic! No more buying and carrying around loads of tampons. The mooncup is so discreet and easy to use. I don’t feel dry on lighter days and it has never leaked once on dryer days. My favourite part is knowing that I’m not damaging the environment with sanitary products. After all, when I have children I intend to use cloth nappies, so I’d be hypocritical to continue to use disposable sanitary products. The mooncup is the perfect solution, eco-friendly and actually makes my period easier to cope with.

Laura – 08th April 2012

I’ve been using the mooncup for about 10 months. I thought it was the best invention ever. The most positive thing about it is the environmental impact (zero). Next is the impact on your body (zero). Next is the convenience (I have a heavy period, and still only empty it once a day). My body has now adjusted to it, and I can barely fit a tampon in anymore, it feels dry and unnatural.

My only problem is that it doesn’t work overnight for me, but it did take me over 4 cycles to even get the hang of it during the day, so I’m not giving up.

I could go on forever, but all I will say is that it’s a great investment. The positives completely outway the negatives. Definitely give it a go.

Jessi, 18 – 24th March 2012

After searching ‘alternative to tampons and pads’ on google, Mooncup came up in all the searches so I decided to be open-minded have a look, I only bought one this afternoon while in the middle of my period and already I am seeing and feeling a difference. I have been diagnosed with a ovary problem which as a result meant I can no longer use tampons without extreme pain in my ovary occurring on insertion. So I have to make do with pads throughout my very heavy periods, which as you can imagine isn’t ideal (especially during the night) And just to top things off, I have become very allergic to all brands of pads and get painful rashes down there, which was the point where I couldn’t take it any more which is why I took to google for alternatives! Now I have all the freedom of a tampon i.e. swimming etc without the pain and dryness that tampons give. Already there’s all those benefits just for me alone before you even take into consideration how eco-friendly it is. How many times have you put a high absorbency night pad in expecting more just to find in the morning that hardly anything has come out during the night and now you have to throw away a virtually unused pad to go on landfill. I could go on all day about it, but all in all, even only after a few hours of owning one and reading all the brilliant reviews and the facts, it comes out on top every time. I really don’t understand why this method isn’t as well known as tampons in this day and age of everything being eco! I can see me using this for years and years to come, and definitely encouraging my future daughters to use it as well. I will recommend to all the women I know. Thank you xxx

Hannah – 23rd March 2012

I love my Mooncup. I bought mine on a whim to be more green and never wear pads again, and I couldn’t live without it now. It definitely took some getting used to and I wouldn’t say that it’s any easier than other methods (it still takes me longer to put in and out than a tampon) but I not having to buy menstrual products is wonderful, and I never leak anymore. It was a lifesaver as I had stopped being able to wear pads because of severe itching (I would literally wake up trying to scratch my skin off) and since my flow was fairly light tampons made me very very dry and sore. (this seriously affected my sex life also).
My Mooncup has fixed any issue I had. No itching, no dryness, and intercourse no longer feels “sandpapery”. I would recommend to anyone.

Sara – 11th March 2012

I decided to use the mooncup because I got terribly sore each month during and after my period using tampons and pads. I no longer get the irritation and also don’t become dry.

Although I still leak a little on my heavy days (I have very heavy periods which can also be measured with the mooncup) I wouldn’t go back to other methods.
Another unexpected benefit is that I can now shower with my girls if necessary without the embarrassing questions that come with using tampons (or having no protection with pads).

And not having a bin full of sanitary products each month is another added bonus.

I recommend mooncup to all my friends and would hate to be without it.

Jenny – 28th February 2012

I am a total Mooncup convert!!! Been meaning to get one for a while, then bought it the other day on day 1 of period, and now on day 3 can happily say I will never go back to tampons. I found it really easy to start using (possibly because I’ve been using tampons for so long) and it’s very comfortable – more so than tampons which can be very drying, and it’s often difficult to judge which size you need as I can go from heavy to light and back again several times a day. Thank you Mooncup – just wish I’d been brave enough to try it earlier!

Gemma – 02nd February 2012

I was told about these in my early teens but didn’t see any for sale until a few years ago. I’m in my mid 20’s now and am upset I wasted so much money in between on leaky tampons, towels which made me insecure and having to wear black “just in case”.
I have been using my Mooncup now for around two years and it has a little compartment in my handbag so I’m never caught short. I tend to use disabled toilets if I’m in public as I am able to wash it out in between but if not I just wipe and reinsert.

It was a little uncomfortable at first but I got used to the feeling and am able to insert it a lot easier which helped. I don’t get the dryness I used to with tampons on the last day or two and don’t even need pantyliners as I am confident. This is a genuine testimonial and I’m glad my friend’s mum told me about them years ago even if it took me a while to get there. I’ve probably saved around £60 so far and I’m helping the environment.

Nikki – 23rd January 2012

Hi, I first saw an advert for a mooncup on the back of a toilet door and wasn’t convinced as it sounded quite ‘messy’. However a couple of years ago in a quest to be more environmental I thought i would give if a go.
It took a little while to get used to it and adjust the stem to the right length but once there I love it, and it’s no more messy than tampons. What’s more I got caught out recently and had to buy tampons, I had completely fogotten how much of a pain it was to have to change a tampon every 2-3 hours and decide which size u needed. Don’t get me wrong I know that I am lucky and don’t have a heavy flow but using tampons is so much harder.

To top it off, I also have vaginismus, I have gained help and it is much better than it ever was. For years I have coped with using tampons as a needs must, but the discovery of the mooncup was great…no more trying to insert dry cotton objects, the mooncup is so much easier to insert and withdraw and once in
you forget its even there.

Basically if you are slightly in doubt don’t hold back, go for it. The only hesitation I would have is if u have a very heavy flow as I am not quite sure how convenient this would b then.

Good luck, hopefully it will be as beneficial as it has been for me.

Sarah – 23rd January 2012

I was reading these testimonials a few weeks ago while trying to decide whether it was worth buying a Mooncup and if it would be just as good for me … it was and it is! Seriously, don’t hesitate. By the third empty I was waxing lyrical about it to my husband and by the end of my period (today) I was kicking myself for not having bought one when I first heard about them a few years ago. Natural-feeling, incredibly comfortable and easy to use, no leaks, no dryness, no smell, none of that horrible feeling when you feel like your soaked tampax is about to slip out and, above all, a deep satisfaction from knowing that of the billions of tampax polluting the sea, there will be no more of mine ever again. Now onto persuading everyone I know to get one …

Amanda – 18th January 2012

I bought a mooncup having read about them as an environmental alternative to tampons and towels. However I hadn’t appreciated it would also have so many personal lifestyle and health advantages beyond cutting down on landfill! If you are swithering I definitely recommend you give it a go – and keep at it. Yes, it is a bit tricky at first – it’s taken me several months to get used to it/get the knack. But this has definitely paid off. Now I trust it completely and am amazed at how natural and easy it now seems. It doesn’t leak or smell, or make you dry or uncomfortable in the slightest – you can just forget its your period until its time to change it (and you can do that less often too which is great for light days). I seem to get less thrush type symptoms too which is another bonus. So glad I persevered. Thanks Mooncup!

Josephine – 15th January 2012

I’ve been using my mooncup for about 4 years now and couldn’t be happier with it. I have heavy flow for a couple of days and then it’s really light, I was always either paranoid of leakage or uncomfortably dry. No more of that! It’s so comfortable I forget I’m wearing it. Brilliant for travelling, camping in the bush, night shifts without toilets and all sorts of awkward situations where sanitary disposal facilities are non-existant. I wish I had heard of it years ago.

Helen – 07th November 2011

Just thrilled I finally got round to buying one 🙂 took me a couple of months to be totally comfortable with it but would never go back now. Feels much more hygienic, no dryness and great for light and heavy days. Only leaked once when I didn’t get it right but now I’m used to it so much more ‘safe’ than tampons. Great product, thanks Mooncup 🙂

Laura – 24th October 2011

I am converted and don’t know what has taken me so long!
Having worn towels for over twenty years and finding tampons uncomfortable with dryness I cannot thank the people who came up with the Mooncup enough.

It took a while for me to take the plunge, as once out of the packaging my first thought was ‘surely not!’ but was suprised by how easy this was to use (thanks for the easy to use guide too).

So I can put the old bigger knickers to the back of the drawer and dispense with the bottom shelf of sanitary pads in the bathroom, no more ensuring there are enough in handbag either!

This is by far the most comfortable I have ever been, and that’s quite an acheivement for over twenty years.

Sincere thanks again and I urge others to take the plunge as I did. Periods are no longer an issue.

Debbie – 16th October 2011