Irregular Periods

Irregular Periods

As a transgender person, menstruation has always been a touchy subject for me, and periods have always been uncomfortable. Mooncup makes it much easier to cope – I usually can’t feel the cup at all, so for me it offers up to 8 hours of not having to think about what my body is going through.

Not having to stock up on products is also brilliant and saves a lot of embarrassment and discomfort. No more having to pretend I’m buying for someone else, or shamefully asking someone to buy products for me. My cycles tend to be highly irregular and heavy too, but I no longer have to worry about keeping extra products for emergencies. The money saved over time is the icing on the cake.

If you’re transgender and, like me, dread the monthly ‘curse’, I’d highly recommend giving Mooncup a try. Once you’re used to it, it really does make a huge difference.

Jeremy – 10th March 2017

I’ve recently bought a Mooncup, I have heard about them before but they just seemed a bit surreal for me! But I bit the bullet so to speak and I have to say, I honestly think this thing is the best thing since sliced bread!!
It took me a few attempts to get the position right but after that it’s so easy and convenient! I have pcos so my periods are all over the place and I can’t just put a tampon in on random days on the idea that I might bleed that day whereas I can put my Mooncup in and if it’s not needed as such it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t leave me dry etc and it’s not a waste of money if it hasn’t collected anything!
Make the leap, you will not regret it!

Cat – 3rd March 2017

I’m only 18 and have struggled with heavy and irregular periods ever since I started when I was around 14. I always had to carry tampons with me and have had to try every pill there is to try and keep my periods at bay. Despite all the help I received from my doctors, I have been unable to find a solution which means I will just have to wait and (hopefully) in time they will sort themselves out. Wearing tampons all the time was hurting me and making me feel uncomfortable as I was always worried I would leak. On the other hand, as my periods were so irregular, sometimes I will come on for a day and the bleeding be very light and therefore wearing a tampon was highly uncomfortable as there was not much to ‘collect’. My sister has also struggled with the same problems with her periods. She is 3 years older and so has had the problems for longer. She told me about her buying a mooncup and suggested I should get one myself. At first I was a little apprehensive but decided to give it a go and now I absolutely love it! I found it very easy to use and didn’t have any problems at all. It makes me feel so much more comfortable as it lasts a lot longer than a regular tampon (which is so useful for college and my part-time job) because, as I previously mentioned, my periods were so heavy I would constantly be changing tampons. Even if I have my one day, very light but equally annoying period, I feel safe knowing my mooncup isn’t hurting me and is fool-proof in terms of how much you bleed.
All in all I am so glad I listened to her advice and bought one for myself. It’s brilliant!

M – 24th September 2015

What a revelation mooncups are! I’d delayed going eco as I couldn’t face washing blood covered pads, but after using washable nappys for my baby I had to take the plunge, instead finding mooncups. They are such a logical solution and, once you are used to them, are much better than either pads or tampons. How did I not know they existed before?!?I was initially scared of using the mooncup, even having panic attacks when I first tried it with a shortened stem due to fears about getting it out! If you are worried I recommend pushing it out with just your vaginal muscles before cutting the stem to discover how ridiculously easy it is to get out. Also they are actually simple to use even in public toilets with the bonus that you need to empty them less anyway.
I did have initial leek issues (albeit less than I had with pads/tampons) and really didn’t believe that it could work at night, but it was definitely worth persevering to determine the right position for me to be both leek free and comfortable 24/7. After childbirth my period became erratic but mooncups are perfect whatever my body is up to. Sometimes I have to empty it after just a few hours (which is still a lot longer than the alternatives lasted as mooncups hold more), but otherwise go 8hours only changing it to follow the recommendation. My only concern now is forgetting I’m using it.
I tried Mooncups for environmental reasons, but am amazed how much more convenient, comfortable and cheaper they are compared to any alternative. Try it!

Caroline – 7th September 2015

I’m 19 and I’m so so glad I found out about mooncup! I suffer from pcos and have always found pads unable to cope with how heavy my period can get, which left me with tampons. However, since my cycle always fluctuates unpredictably from light to ridiculously heavy, it’s always hard to guess which strength tampon to use, which the results either being uncomfortable dryness or embarrassing accidents…many a comfortable pairs of pants were lost this way. But! Mooncup is amazing for this! I can’t even express how amazing it is to be able to insert the mooncup and just not have to worry what my flow decides to do that day, it honestly feels like I can get on with my life. Not only that, but it really is extremely good for travel. I have a year abroad next year in a country where tampons haven’t really caught on and I honestly didn’t know what I was going to do until now. In terms of insertion, I struggled a bit at the beginning; I think it was because I wanted it to work so badly that I stressed out and couldn’t insert it properly. It felt a little bit like all the amazing testimonials here were part of a massive joke that I wasn’t in on, but then I slept on it and tried again the next day and lo and behold, I figured it out! If you’re struggling, I suggest trying the second folding method as it makes the shape slightly more similar to a tampon, which you might already have experience in inserting. But whatever happens, don’t give up on it, because using a mooncup will definitely change your life for the better (and that’s not even an exaggeration!)

Izzy – 22nd July 2015

I bought my m’cup almost 2 years ago and i love it! My periods are not always the same as far as light or heavy flow. Not to mention I am helping the environment and my wallet at the same time! I love my cup and I highly recommend it to anyone!

Reeva – 2nd March 2015

I heard about Mooncup at Glastonbury last year, visited the website and thought I’d try one for myself.Now I see why everyone felt the need to leave their comments! The Mooncup makes you feel SOOO much better about your period that you just want everyone to discover how great it is!!

I have a contraceptive implant in my arm and, for me, a side effect of that is my periods often being lighter, but quite erratic. That meant that I was having to wear a thin liner nearly every day – just in case. With the Mooncup I can pop it in and not have to worry. It’s so much more comfortable than having to sit wearing a pad (and/or tampon) all day and worrying about when you might need to change it.

The Mooncup has absolutely changed my life when it comes to periods. I know it sounds like I’m exaggerating, but it’s made me more open about periods, I’m not embarrassed about them, I’m not constantly worrying that I might leak, I’m SAVING SO MUCH MONEY and also saving the environment!
Mooncup is just a win win win win win situation.

Thanks a million. 🙂

Claire – 24th February 2015

I’ve never reviewed anything before, but this is life changing! I’d heard about the mooncup and liked the idea but was always a bit scared at the reality of it. Then I suddenly had to come off the pill and didn’t have any control over when my periods happened – and I had a beach holiday booked in for two months later… So I bit the bullet and got one. I’m hugely squeamish, and quite clumsy, so the first couple of goes at getting it in were a bit eye opening! It’s definitely easier to do it when it’s wet, and I ended up cutting off almost the entire stem. Read the leaflet with all the tips about how to fold it – they really work! Although you’re really good to go from the first time you try it, I agree it does take a couple of months to get completely used to it, and now 2 years later, I’d never, ever go back to tampons. I didn’t realise how drying they were until I used the mooncup. It’s brilliant to use, just pop it in at the start of the day and then forget about it until you get home again. And I don’t know how, but it has shortened my period by about two days. And I love knowing what’s normal for me too, I feel more in touch with what’s going on with my body. Thank you!

Vicky – 23rd November 2014

I’m 16 and first got my period last year. I absolutely hated it and was glad I was really irregular and I still only get it every three or four months. But tampons and pads were the worst. Pads are sweaty and awkward and feel gross and tampons, I was constantly worried about leaving them in too long and they dried me out. But I just bought the mooncup today and I love it!! Was awkward at first and I tried so many times coz I’m kinda tight but used a lubricant and it went it easily!

Steph – 21st November 2014

I found out about Mooncup from Freelee the banana girl on Youtube. As a person who has un-predictable period thank you so much for this product. I feel like it’s another step in the right direction to help save the planet and landfills, help the fight against testing on animals and also it’s much better for me too. Tampons and pads dry out and rub my skin, this is my 2nd day on Mooncup and it’s been a blessing, much more comfortable!I must admit the first time I emptied it made me yak a bit but I’m already used to it, I just need to get used to taking it out bit, I need to get a routine going.
Thank you for this wonderful invention 🙂

Siobhan – 4th November 2014

I heard of the Mooncup a few years ago but at that time I was even too scared to use tampons. When I started using tampons, I was getting sick of all the waste and smelly rubbish bins in the bathroom. When I got my contraceptive implant and I knew irregular bleedings could occur I was looking for a new solution. I have used the mooncup for 6 months now and I’m super happy with it. I couldn’t get it in first and it took me a day of practice but it all went well and I would NEVER go back to tampons or pads.

Anna – 17th September 2014

Thank you. My mooncup arrived just in time for my period and now my life has changed for the better. My periods are fairly light and a bit erratic so tampons don’t work for me. I have been using pads but hate them. A friend told me about the Mooncup a few years ago and finally I ordered one. I just want to tell those out there that are thinking about it, do it! They are sightly awkward to use at first but, by reading other peoples feedback and doing internet research, I was well informed with tips etc and have had no troubles. Thanks again. It is great to have options, and you guys make a great product.

Jenny – 26th August 2014

Having just had the contraceptive implant fitted and experiencing spotting for three weeks the mooncup has been a godsend. As I had it before I had the implant fitted I can say that it can cope with the lightest and the heaviest bleeding with minimal fuss. Best 20 quid I ever spent!

Rosie – 12th August 2014

I have PCOS and it messes up my cycle like crazy. It comes at the most random times, never on schedule, and it’s extremely heavy. I can’t really do anything the first two days of my period and I bleed through tampons almost every hour. I spend a LOT of money on feminine products that don’t even work like I want/need them to! So mostly out of desperation, I ordered the Mooncup to see if it would help (I was willing to try anything!) It arrived faster than I was expecting and just in time because I started my period not too long after. It was a lot easier to use than I thought; I had no difficulty inserting or removing the Mooncup. It felt really comfortable, way more-so than a tampon. Since my periods are so heavy, I wore a pad with the Mooncup as well, but noticed SIGNIFICANTLY less leakage than what’s normal for me. Consequently, the first day I used it, I fell out of a window and broke my ankle (LONG story!) and I was so thankful for the Mooncup in that instance because I was having to be carried around a lot and was stuck at the hospital for a while with no opportunity to use the restroom or anything. I’ve been on bed-rest ever since and haven’t even noticed I’ve been on my period! It’s been so great and has made a horrible situation (broken ankle AND period at the same time?! ugh) so much better than it could’ve been!!! I’m extremely happy with Mooncup and look forward to never buying another box of tampons as long as I live!!! 🙂

Liz – 9th August 2014

I bought my Mooncup on a whim a year ago before I went travelling. I had never liked tampons because I found them too dry and uncomfortable (even the light flow ones) and found pads bulky and often messy because the flow of my periods can be a little unpredictable. Mooncups are amazing, especially for someone travelling without regular access to decent toilets and not much luggage space. You can pop it in in the morning and take it out when you get home from your day out if your periods aren’t too heavy. I got the hang of inserting the cup straight off the bat so I was quite lucky, and quite often I forget it’s even there! I’ve only once had a problem with my Mooncup overflowing and that was because it is so unobtrusive that I actually forgot I was on my period! I also find the Mooncup seems to help with my period cramps. However, the biggest advantage of the Mooncup for me is the smell. At times with pads I found that I would sometimes get an odd smell(disgusting, I know!) which made me self conscious and meant I changed pads even more frequently creating even more rubbish. But with the Mooncup I don’t get anything like this, the blood that collects in the cup doesn’t give off a smell at all, which is fantastic. I used to find periods so annoying, but now they are so easy to deal with. All of this makes Mooncup the best choice for me and I know I’ll never go back to other methods of sanitary protection.

Lynn – 31st July 2014

I used a mooncup for the first time last month. My period is irregular and so it’s always a total surprise when it comes. I was going on holiday and I was sick of carrying stuff with me constantly “just in case”. Annoyingly I did come on half way through the holiday, but using the mooncup meant my holiday was in no way ruined. I could wear any of my beach clothes without worry of tampon string making a nasty appearance or leakage! I went to a festival while abroad and let me tell you, if you can remove, clean and re-insert your mooncup in a portaloo you know it’s the product for you! In reality, I didn’t need to even empty at that time at all, but as it was my first time, I had the panic of “oh God it’s going to be full, I’m going to leak everywhere!” Totally unfounded, they say 8 hours on the FAQs, they’re not lying. Yes I had the initial – oh god this is gross, a cup of blood, a cup inside me, but really is that any less gross than a piece of cotton shoved inside? I think this is now the product for me, I survived the toughest challenges for my first time and it was better than what I’ve been doing for the past 15 years.

Samantha – 28th July 2014

I started at 12 with heavy, irregular periods. Several female members in our family have had a hysterectomy due to heavy periods. I struggled through until 18 and went to University. Sharing toilets, not all had bins so tried tampons. Hated them and still had to wear a pad which defeated the object so gave up. Tried the pill. Amazing, lighter, regular flow, planned periods so heaviest at weekends and social life around them. Now 31, married, thinking about kids. Worried about irregular and heavy periods when I come off the pill so thought I’d try Mooncup after remembering it on Embarrassing Bodies. I read ALL the testimonials, videos, did my research. Never considered environmental impacts and love doing my bit to be green. Mooncup is fantastic, only tried it for half a day and 1 night, comfortable, no leaks, insertion/removal ok in shower, daren’t yet over toilet but will persevere until I’ve mastered technique. Blood is gross yet intriguing. Outside of cup is clean even using halfway through a period. Will recommend to all. Finally, looks big but does fit! Weird coming from a girl who is married and sexually active but I still don’t know how it all fits down there and no I’m not comfy with fingers below let alone inside. One word ladies – FREEDOM!

Annie P – 07th January 2013

I just want to say one thing to the creators of mooncup. Thankyou!! I have always had a problem with heavy, painful, erratic periods. I would easily get through a pack of pain killers each month just to combat the pain, and dont get me started on the amount of sanitary products i had to buy each month. Ive only used it for the last week but im already a convert. The best thing for me is that i stayed with my sister for a few days recently, and didnt feel totally lost and embarassed. I didnt live in the toilet or have to try and hide used tampons from family members like i usually do. I even went cycling today, something i would normally find too painful whilst using a tampon and too uncomfortable with a pad, and only just now remembered im wearing my mooncup! The only negative i can think of is it took me ten years to find it, by chance, as i was in Boots and depressingly remembered i was due on and had only a few tampons left. I was wary at first but figured ive spent 20 pounds on less useful things so id try it. And i can honestly say this is the least painful period ive had in years! No more expensive, painful, smelly, itchy sanitary products. I feel almost free from the curse of periods 🙂 All women should try it, and i sincerely hope they feel a sense of freedom too. Thankyou mooncup!

Miss V – 28th December 2012

I have poly-cystic ovary syndrome, meaning insanely heavy, prolonged and irregular periods. At my heaviest I would need to wear both a tampon and a pad, and change both every half-hour or so, with a period lasting anything from 1wk to 3mths! I can also go anything from 6mths to 2yrs between periods, so wasn’t sure whether a Mooncup would work out, getting used to it over 3 cycles could take years! But I got mine about a year ago, and wish I had done it much sooner! It does take a little time to get right, but I cannot stress enough how worthwhile it is to try it, stick with it and make it work for you. I can wear my Mooncup for a couple of hours even at my heaviest, and all day (up to 8hrs anyway) at other times, without needing to empty it. It copes brilliantly with fluctuating flow and with clots. No more rustling packets in work / public toilets either, and no more trying to deal with used sanitary products when there is no waste bin. Plus I do feel a bit smug knowing I am not contributing even more waste to landfill too. Thank you for a brilliant, life-changing product!

Jen – 05th October 2012

I had heard of Moon Cup quite a while ago but had put it off for being a bit squeamish. Then this year my friend told me about a blog post in which A WOMAN FOUND MOULD ON HER TAMPON! I recommend googling the story.
Combined with the increased guilt of wastage and wanting to save money I decided to switch.
Now, I wouldn’t go back! My period pain has decreased. I always thought my dire pain and sickness was something to do with Tampon’s since as soon as I inserted a Tampon I’d be vomiting for the rest of the day. I had to go on the pill to sort it out and am admittedly still on the pill a little too afraid I’ll be having heavy and irregular periods again.
It’s a little difficult to get used to at first with some dire accidents but I persevered, I will not go back to achey, dry and scratchy periods again. I don’t even mind the tiny mess you inevitably encounter using this product because it’s worth it knowing my body and purse is better off and hopefully the planet too.
And I love the fact we can wear it when we know we’re going to be on that day and not having to rush back and forth to the toilet playing a guessing game. And I never have to worry about running out or carrying around extras.
I’m gently working on my friends with the effort of not wanting to drive them crazy over it.
Thank you Mooncup!

Siobhan – 21st June 2012

I purchased this product awhile back, but just recently started my period again (PCOS and Amenorreah so I decided to give it a try. I used it all night the first night, and didnt feel anything, and slept like a baby- which is great, because even with super sized tampons, I am usually up 2-3 times a night changing them!!!!I am a very heavy bleeder…. but I just have to say that I love this product, and the fact that there is an alternative out there to pads and tampons, that is better for the enviroment, and safer for me! I have been spreading the word to all my gal pals, because this is something that every woman should be aware of!!!!

cerissalaine – 29th November 2011